The eBookMan Device
Problem Solution
Helpful Hint
I have to tap slightly off-
center on the icons in the
Launcher to open the
application or file. How can
I fix the screen?
Your eBookMan screen
needs to be re-calibrated.
To correct the calibration,
do the following:
1. Tap to go to the
Launcher screen.
2. Tap to view the
Launcher menu.
3. Tap Pen Calibration.
The word “Calibrate”
appears on the screen.
4. Using the stylus, tap in
the center of the
crosshairs (+) as they
show up on the screen.
Re-calibrate your screen
whenever it responds poor-
ly to your stylus input.
When I press the On/Off
button, my eBookMan
device beeps but does not
turn on. What’s happen-
This usually occurs only
when the batteries need to
be replaced.
• Reinstall 2 AAA batter-
ies paying close atten-
tion to the markings in
the battery compart-
ment. Press both batter-
ies firmly into place and
close the battery door.
Place the negative side of
the battery next to the neg-
ative terminal marked with
a “-”, and the positive side
of the battery next to the
positive terminal marked
with “+”.