Name Parameter type Explanation
L29 MonoDELAY DELAY Mono delay
L30 PanDELAY DELAY Panning delay
L31 MonoBpmDL BPM DELAY Mono delay. Specify BPM and note value to set the delay time.
L32 PanBpmDL BPM DELAY Panning delay. Specify BPM and note value to set the delay time.
L33 Short DL SHORT DELAY Short delay that allows you to set the delay time precisely.
L34 DOUBLING DOUBLING Doubling that allows you to set separate delay times for L and R.
L35 CHORUS CHORUS Produces a chorus effect. A doubling effect can also be added.
L36 FLANGE FLANGE Produces a flanging effect.
L37 MonoPITCH MONO PITCH Pitch shift adjustable in a +/-2 octave range.
L38 DlyPITCH DELAY PITCH Pitch shift with a feedback delay, allowing strange effects to be produced.
Effect types preset for EFF 2
1~28 are the same effect types as the EFF 1 presets listed on the preceding page. (For details refer to the preceding page.)
Selecting the effect type
Here's how to select the effect type for EFF 1 or EFF 2.
Press this to set the effect type
for EFF 1.
Press this to set the effect type
for EFF 2.
* As described earlier in "Basic Recording and Play back,"
raise the CHANNEL fader of a channel to which a signal
is being input and raise the MASTER fader, so that the
sound is heard at an appropriate level.
* As described earlier in "Setting the effect send level,"
raise the EFF 1 SEND level or the EFF 2 SEND level for
the channel(s) to which you wish to apply the effect.
1.If you wish to set EFF 1, press the EFF EDIT mode
[EFF 1] key. To set EFF 2, press the [EFF 2] key.
With the initial settings, the following displays will
When the [EFF 1] key is pressed:
With the initial settings, “L01: Norm HALL” will appear.
When the [EFF 2] key is pressed:
With the initial settings, “L35: CHORUS” will appear.
2. Use the [JOG] dial to select the effect type.
The effect types listed in the foregoing tables will appear
in succession. When an effect type appears, it will be
blinking. The blinking indicates that the effect type has
not yet been selected.
3. Press the [ENTER/YES] key.
The effect type will be finalized, and the parameter
setting screen will appear.
The default (initial) parameter values will be displayed.
Details on the parameters are given in the following
section, "Parameter settings."
4. To exit Effect Edit mode, press the [EXIT/NO] key twice in
You will return to Normal display.
< Note: Changing the effect preset may mute the sound momentarily! >
Effect presets of the internal effect processor shown above are classified into three types; ambience/
delay type (No.1 through 28), modulation/pitch type (No.29 through 36) and pitch type (No.37 and
38). If you switch the effect preset between the three types above, the audio is momentarily muted.