About the hard disk storage device
The VF160EX is complete with a 3.5-inch E-IDE hard disk (storage device) which is formatted in the Master 16 mode.
Therefore, there is no need to newly assemble a hard disk or to format the hard disk. The user can immediately start
recording with the VF160EX. Note that the current hard disk can also be replaced with another model for use with
the VF160EX. (However, please only use hard disks that Fostex recommends.)
Reformatting the hard disk
This section describes how to reformat the hard disk. The VF160EX adopts a “FDMS-3 (Fostex Disk Management
System-3)” format which is a Fostex exclusive format. Eight additional tracks can be used in addition to
recording and playing 16-tracks of uncompressed 44.1kHz/16 bit high quality sound.
Note that, when you reformat your hard disk, you will erase all data saved or recorded on the hard disk, as well as all the
settings made. Reformatting your hard disk restore the VF160EX back to the default setting.
Always make a point to check that there is no data that you need remaining on the hard disk prior to reformatting.
1. Turn ON the VF160EX.
2. Press the [SETUP] key.
The system will go to the SETUP mode. The select display
of the SETUP menu appears. (The highlight indicates the
menu that is currently selected.)
3. Turn the [JOG] dial to highlight the “Disk Format”
menu title, press the [ENTER/YES] key.
The menu to select the format type appears.
The display will appear as follows, according to the
previous format type. “****” represents the name of the
The hard disk formatted in the “Standard” type upon
newly formatting the hard disk will show “Standard” and
“Erase”. The hard disk formatted in the “Quick” type upon
newly formatting the hard disk will show “Standard” and
“Quick”. The user can select one.
The hard disk is formatted with the access time
of the unit sectors, while judging whether the
sectors are good or bad. The formatting time
tends to be longer with this type, however, the
reliability is better. Therefore, it is recommended
that this default format type is selected under
normal conditions.
This choice is only available when a hard disk
previously formatted in the “Standard” type is
being reformatted. With this format, the
“Standard” type is maintained, while all data on
the hard disk are erased.
The formatting time is shorter than the time
required to format a “Standard” type.
This is a quick formatting procedure in which all
hard disk sectors are considered to be good
sectors. The formatting time is fast, however,
the procedure cannot discover bad sectors.
Therefore, it is recommended that this format
type is only used when formatting a new hard
disk that Fostex has already confirmed to
operate normally.
4. Select the format type with the [F FWD] key or
[REWIND] key. Then press the [ENTER/YES] key.
The format type selected is set and “Sure?” flashes.