Ti40, Ti45 Ti50, Ti55
Users Manual
This change affects only new images saved to the memory card and
does change the prefix of previously saved images.
1. Tap F.
2. Use the MOUSE controller to position the pointer over Camera Settings
on the popup menu.
3. Tap E.
4. Position the pointer over the Files tab and tap E.
5. Position the pointer over Edit and tap E to open the Prefix Editor.
6. Select and click on up to five alphanumeric characters one at a time. Tap
the TRIGGER button to accept setting change and return to Camera
Settings window.
7. Tap the TRIGGER button again to return to scan target mode.
Resetting Image File Name Sequence Number
To change the file sequence number used in the saved image name:
If a file sequence number you want to use for image B is already used
for image A, the camera automatically selects the lowest possible
sequence number for image B and does not override, or delete,
image A.
1. Tap F.
2. Use the MOUSE controller to position the pointer over Camera Settings
on the popup menu.
3. Tap E.
4. Position the pointer over the Files tab and tap E.
5. Position the pointer over Reset and tap E to reset the sequence numbers
back to 0000.
6. Tap the TRIGGER button to accept setting change and return to scan
target mode.