Analyzing and Enhancing Images
This feature is available on Ti45 and Ti55 models only.
Adding Annotations to Saved Images
Your Camera enables you to add notes, or annotations, to your infrared images.
An annotations file named “notations.txt” is located in the camera memory. If
you store an annotations file on the memory card, your camera recognizes the
annotations file on the memory card first. The “notations.txt” file contains a
predefined list of available annotations and annotation categories.
An annotation is a textual description that can be attached to an image. You
can use annotations to store extra information with an image such as where the
image was captured, what equipment is represented in the image, and who
captured the image. All annotations must be a member of an annotation
category. An annotation category is a grouping of similar annotations. For
example, the annotation category “Equipment” may contain the annotation
items “Fuse,” “Breaker,” and “Disconnect.”
When you insert the memory card into your Camera, the annotation file tells it
what annotations can be applied to an image captured with the camera. You
can add the categories and annotations to saved images.
To add an annotation to a saved image:
1. Tap F.
2. Use the MOUSE controller to position the pointer over Browse Images on
the popup menu.
3. Tap E to select and open image thumbnails.
4. Position the pointer over the right or left arrow key to scroll to the page
containing the image you want to annotate; position pointer over the
image and double click E to open.
5. In the open image, tap F, then select Annotate Image from the popup
6. Position the pointer over the annotation category you want to select on the
left side of the annotation editor window and tap E. The available