Execution errors
Error Description description/explanation/examples
Data out of range Indicates that a legal program data element was
parsed but could not be executed because the inter
preted value was outside the legal range as defined
by the counter (see IEEE-488.2,
Data out of range;
exponent too large
The expression was too large for the internal float
ing-point format.
Data out of range;
below minimum
Data below minimum for this function/parameter.
Data out of range;
above maximum
Data above maximum for this function/ parameter.
Data out of range;
(Save/recall mem
ory number)
A number outside 0 to 19 was given for the save/re
call memory.
Too much data Indicates that a legal program data element of block,
expression, or string type received that contained
more data than the counter could handle due to
memory or related counter-specific requirements.
Too much data;
∗PUD string too
Too much
data;String or block
too long
Illegal parameter
Used where exact value, from a list of possible val-
ues, was expected.
Data corrupt or
Possibly invalid data; new reading started but not
completed since last access.
Data questionable
Data questionable;
one or more data el
ements ignored
One or more data elements sent with a MEASure or
CONFigure command was ignored by the counter.
Hardware error Indicates that a legal program command or query
could not be executed because of a hardware prob
lem in the counter. Definition of what constitutes a
hardware problem is completely device specific. This
error message is used when the counter cannot de
tect the more specific errors described for errors
–241 through –249.
Error Messages
8-8 Error Code -222 to -240