Command Errors
Error Description Description/Explanation/Examples
GET not allowed A Group Execute Trigger was received within a pro
gram message (see IEEE-488.2, 7.7).
Parameter not al
More parameters were received than expected for
the header; for example, the ∗EMC common com
mand accepts only one parameter, so receiving
∗EMC0,,1 is not allowed.
Missing parameter Fewer parameters were received than required for
the header; for example, the ∗EMC common com
mand requires one parameter, so receiving ∗EMC is
not allowed.
Command header
An error was detected in the header. This error
message is used when the counter cannot detect
the more specific errors described for errors –111
though –119.
Header separator
A character that is not a legal header separator was
encountered while parsing the header; for example,
no space followed the header, thus ∗GMC"MACRO"
is an error.
Program mnemonic
too long
The header contains more than 12 characters (see
Undefined header The header is syntactically correct, but it is unde-
fined for this specific counter; for example, ∗XYZ is
not defined for any device.
Header suffix out of
Indicates that a non-header character has been en
countered in what the parser expects is a header el
Numeric data error This error, as well as errors –121 through –129, are
generated when parsing a data element that ap
pears to be of a numeric type. This particular error
message is used when the counter cannot detect a
more specific error.
Numeric data error;
overflow from con
Numeric data error;
underflow from con
Numeric data error;
not a number from
Error Messages
Error Code -105 to -120 8-3