Command Reference 9-71
:CONFigure :TOTalize :CONTinuousPM6680B/81/85
[8 (@«1|2|4|6»)][,(@«1|2|4|6»)]
Totalize Manually
This is a count/totalize function controlled from the GPIB interface using the com
The counter counts up for each event on the primary input channel. and down on
the secondary channel. The result is the difference between the primary and sec
ondary channel. In addition to selecting totalizing, the :CONF:TOT:CONT com
mand also selects positive trigger slope. If you want to count negative slopes on in
put A, send :INPut:SLOPe8 NEG after the :CONF:TOT:CONT command.
(@«1|2|4|6») is the primary (adding)channel:
,(@«1|2|4|6») is the secondary (subtracting) channel:
(@1) means input A
(@2) means input B (not PM6685)
(@4) means input E (rear panel arming input)
(@6) means the internal reference
Selecting the same channel as both primary and secondary disables the secon-
dary channel.
This measurement cannot be done as a :MEASure, it must be done as a :CON-
Figure followed by :INIT:CONT8ON, gate control with :SENS:TOT:GATE
«ON|OFF» and completed with a :FETCh:ARR? <array size>.
This example sets up the counter to totalize the negative slopes on Input A and
disable the secondary channel. (Same as (@1),(@1).)
*RST condition (@1),(@2) for PM6680B and PM6681, (@1),(@1) for PM6685
Normal Program Sequence for Totalizing on A
Set up the counter for totalize on A
Initiate the counter continuously
Start totalizing
Read intermediate results without stopping the totalizing
Stop totalizing
Fetch the final result from the totalizing
The :FETCh:ARR? command can take both positive and negative data. Positive
data, for instance 10, outputs the first 10 measurements in the counter output
buffer. Negative data, for instance –10, outputs the last ten results.
Intermediate results When totalizing you often want to read the intermediate result without
stopping the totalizing process. :FETC:ARR?8–1 outputs such a result.