Command Errors
Error Description Description/Explanation/Examples
Invalid string data A string data element was expected, but was invalid
for some reason (see IEEE-488.2,; for ex
ample, an END message was received before the
terminal quote character.
Invalid string data;
unexpected end of
String data not al
A string data element was encountered but was not al
lowed by PM6685 at this point in parsing.
Block data error This error as well as errors –161 through –169 is
generated when parsing a block data element. This
particular error message is used when PM6685 can
not detect a more specific error.
Invalid block data A block data element was expected, but was invalid
for some reason (see IEEE-488.2,; for ex
ample, an END message was received before the
length was satisfied.
Block data not al-
A legal block data element was encountered but
was not allowed by the counter at this point in pars-
Expression data er-
This error as well as errors –171 through –179 is
generated when parsing an expression data ele-
ment. This particular error message is used if the
counter cannot detect a more specific error.
Expression data er-
ror; floating-point
The floating-point operations specified in the expres-
sion caused a floating-point error.
Expression data er
ror; floating-point
Expression data er
ror; not a number
Expression data er
ror; different number
of channels given
Two channel list specifications, giving primary and
secondary channels for 2-channel measurements,
contained a different number of channels.
Error Messages
Error Code -151 to -170 8-5