Chapter 16
Mains Signaling
Mains Signaling is a function available in the Fluke 435. In the Fluke 434 it is available
as an option. Power distribution systems often carry control signals to switch appliances
on and off remotely (also known as ripple control). These control signals have a
frequency that is higher than the normal 50 or 60 Hz line frequency and range up to about
3 kHz. Amplitude is significantly lower than that of the nominal line voltage. The control
signals are present only at the moments that a remote appliance has to be controlled.
In Mains Signaling mode the 435 can capture the occurrence (signal level) of control
signals with 2 different frequencies. The frequency range is 70.0 – 3000.0 Hz for 60 Hz
systems and 60.0 – 2500.0 Hz for 50 Hz systems. Mains Signaling is entered via a Start
menu to select both frequencies, and for each frequency the minimum trigger voltage and
threshold (hysteresis). Trigger voltage and threshold are adjustable as a percentage of the
nominal line voltage. The Signaling time is adjustable and is represented by ‘markers’ on
the trend display. The markers are for a visual check on signaling duration. Also the
Duration of the measurement and Immediate or Timed start are selectable.
Measuring results are presented in a Trend Screen and in an Events Table.
To access the Mains Signaling trend screen: