Meter screen10
Switch between HOLD and RUN of screen update.
Switching from HOLD to RUN invokes a menu to select
immediate (NOW) or TIMED start time which allows you
to define start and duration of the measurement.
Meter screen
To access the Harmonics Meter screen:
The Meter screen display shows 8 measurements per phase. Using the SETUP key and
function key F3 - FUNCTION PREF you can choose the screen contents. For detailed
information see Chapter 18, FUNCTION PREFerences.
Available function keys:
Selection of harmonics type: Voltage, Current, or Real
Power (Watt).
Return to Bar Graph screen.
Access the Trend screen. For description see below.
Switch between HOLD and RUN of screen update.
Switching from HOLD to RUN invokes a menu to select
immediate (NOW) or TIMED start time which allows you
to define start and duration of the measurement.
To access the Harmonics Trend screen:
Trend shows how harmonics vary over time: Cursor and Zoom can be used to investigate
details. All values in the Meter screen are recorded, but the Trends from each row in the
Meter screen are displayed one at a time. Press function key F1 to assign the arrow keys
to row selection.
Using the SETUP key and function key F3 - FUNCTION PREF you can choose
harmonics display as a percentage of fundamental voltage (%f) or of the total of
harmonic voltages (%r, total Vrms). Also the Meter screen contents can be selected in
this menu. For detailed information see Chapter 20, FUNCTION PREFerences.