The 1266-X is basically a turn-on-and-go metal detector. It
doesn’t take an engineer to operate it but you’ll have more
fun and a better chance of making that BIG find if you have a
complete understanding of what you’re doing. That’s why we
strongly recommend that you read the entire manual. But if
you just can’t wait any longer and you’ve already used a
Fisher “X” detector, here’s some quick instructions to get you
1. Set the controls as follows:
DISC 1 = 4 (small nail discrimination)
DISC 2 = 7 (Pull tab discrimination)
SENSITIVITY = Pull and turn 3/4 clockwise
OFF/VOL = Full clockwise
2. As soon as you turn the detector on, it is
automatically tuned and ground adjusted in the
DISC 1 search mode.
3. DISC 1 and DISC 2 are motion modes. The
search coil must be at least slightly in motion to
detect a target.
4. When you locate a target, push and hold the
TRIGGER SWITCH for further target identification in
DISC 2. If your target still sounds good, dig it.
5. With practice, you should be able to pinpoint in
either of the DISC modes by moving the coil
slowly backwards and forwards and left to right
and finally stopping over the area of the
strongest target response. The target should be
approximately centered beneath the search coil.
6. To use the Zero-Motion Pinpointing mode,
simply place the coil on the ground (away from
the target), pull and hold the trigger, lift the coil
about a half inch and bring it back over the
target area as you would in a DISC mode. The
differences being that you don’t have to keep
the coil in motion to get a response.
1. If you’re using headphones, reduce the volume of the headphones
to a comfortable level when passing the search coil over a large,
shallow target.