Your 1266-X doesn’t require a lot of care but there are a few
things you should do to keep it in peak operating condition.
1. If you’re not going to be using it for a while,
take the batteries out. Acid damage caused by
leaking batteries can be severe.
2. Avoid extreme temperatures like the inside of a
closed car sitting in the sun. Even worse, inside
the trunk of a car.
3. If you “scrub” the search coil on the ground,
you’ll eventually wear through the bottom.
Replacement coils are expensive. Instead, invest
in an in expensive coil cover.
4. Put a plastic bag over the control housing if
you’re hunting in rain, fog or dust.
5. Keep your 1266-X dry and clean. Wipe off the
lower stem before sliding into the upper stem and
keep the lock nut free of sand and dirt.
Laws governing the use of metal detectors are becoming
more and more common. In many countries, the use of metal
detectors is illegal or severely restricted. Don’t let this happen
in your area.
ALWAYS get permission to hunt on private property.
ALWAYS leave a site cleaner than you found it. Take at least
some trash with you or, if you can, take it all.
ALWAYS fill in your holes neatly whether you’re in a city park or
remote wildernessness. Leave the land as it was before you
disturbed it.
ALWAYS obey all laws relating to Treasure Hunting.
ALWAYS return valuable property if you can locate the original
ALWAYS do whatever you can to give the hobby of Treasure
Hunting the good image it needs and deserves.