Interface Boards
There are a number of optional interfaces that can be used to
supplement the capabilities of your printer’s built-in serial and
parallel interfaces.
Choosing an interface
The following information should give you a general idea of the
features provided by these optional interface boards. Optional
interfaces can be divided into two main categories:
The IEEE-488 interface, which offers standardized
connections, trouble-free operation, and the ability to
connect computers, printers and other devices on the same
line so that they may share data freely.
Serial interfaces, which are necessary if your computer is no
equipped with a parallel interface or if you need an
interface that comforms to the Current Loop standard
instead of the RS-232C. In addition, the available serial
interface boards provide user selectable baud rates and data
word structures. These interfaces also offer some
combination of the following features: X-on/X-off data
communication protocol, loopback self-test modes, and data
buffers that increase the printer’s buffering capacity.
If you are still unsure whether you need an optional interface,
or would like to know more about interfaces, check with your
EPSON dealer.
Compatible interfaces
The following is a list of EPSON interfaces that are compatible
with the SQ-850 and SQ-2550 printers. Note that some of these
interfaces may not be available in all contries.
Using Printer Options 5-31