
Data Dump Mode
Look at the data dump printout shown in Step 2. By comparing
the characters printed in the right column with the printout of
hexadecimal codes, you can check what codes are being sent to
the printer. If characters are printable, they appear as their true
ASCII characters. Nonprintable codes, such as control codes,
are represented by dots.
As an example of how to interpret a data dump printout, look
at the first three hexadecimal codes on the third line of the
printout sample (20 20 54). Each hexadecimal code (20)
represents a space, while the hexadecimal code (54) represents
the letter T. Check the third line of the right column and you
will find the letter T preceded by two spaces.
The chart below interprets part of the first line of codes:
Hex codes Command Function
1B 40
Initialize printer
1B 5200 ESC R0 Select USA character set
1B 7401 ESC t 1
Select EPSON Extended Graphics character
1B 36
Enable printable characters
Cancel condensed mode
lB 50
ESC P Select 1O cpi
1B 7000
ESC p 0
Cancel proportional mode
3-40 Using the Printer