
Appendix I
Power circuit
The power circuit generates 5V DC for the logic circuit, and 24V DC to energize
the solenoids of the print head and two stepper motors.
Printer initialization
Printer initialization is accomplished in either of the two ways described below.
(1) Initialization takes place automatically each time the primary AC power
source is interrupted and reapplied (i.e., by turning the Power Switch off
and on).
(2) Initialization may be initiated remotely by activating the INIT signal to the
parallel interface connector. This line should be driven by a TTL driver or its
The minimum INIT pulse width is 50µsec at the receiving terminal.
(3) Upon application of the initialization signal, the following sequence of
events takes place in the Printer.
(a) The print head returns to its home position.
(b) The print buffer is cleared.
(c) The line spacing is set at l/6 inch.
(d) The form length per page is set at 11 inches (for the 115V and 240V
versions) or 12 inches (for the 220V version).
(e) The character print-width logic is reset to the normal state.
(f) The operation mode is set in the Text mode.