
Appendix H
Technical Specifications
1.4.1 Printer
Printing Method. ..............
Impact dot matrix
Character set.
ASCII 96 (5X 7 dot matrix)
Character formation.,
Text mode ...............
5x 7 dot matrix
Bit image mode
.......... 480 dots/8 inches (horizontal)
Character size ................
2.1 mm (W) x 2.8 mm (H) (0.083”xO.l 1”)
Paper feed ...................
Adjustable sprocket feed
Kind ...................
Fanfold paper
Width ....................
101.6 mm to 254 mm (4” to 10”)
(cl Thickness ................
0.3 mm (0.012”) max.
Number of copies
........ One original plus one carbon copy
Line spacing .................
Text mode ...............
l/6 inch
Bit image mode
.......... l/9 inch
NOTE: In both modes, line spacing is pro-
grammable in increments of l/72 inch.
Columns .....................
80 columns (normal size)
40 columns (enlarged size)
Prrntrng Speed.
Text mode
............... 80 characters per second
Bit image mode
.......... Not defined
(10) Printing Direction
............. Unidirectional (from left to right). May be
returned to home position from any column
(11) Line feed time,
Approx. 200 msec (at 116 inch/line)
(12) Ribbon.
Cartridge ribbon (exclusive use), Black
(13) MCBF.
5 x 106 lines (excluding print head life)
(14) Dimensions
374 mm (W) x 305 mm (D) X 107 mm (L)
(15) Weight .......................
Approx. 5 kg
1.4.2 Parallel interface (standard)
Date transfer rate ............
1,000 CPS (max),
Synchronization. .............. By externally supplied STROBE pulses.
Handshaking ................. By ACKNLG or BUSY signals
Logic level
Input data and all interface control signals are
compatrble with the TTL level.