
16741 Part Numbers
H-1 H-2
Appendix H Miscellaneous Motor, Color Option 970437-001
Part Numbers
MTX 1345 Printers, Interfaces, Options, Consumables
1345 Dot Matrix Printer - 120v 903341-001
1345 Dot Matrix Printer - 230v 903351-001
Interface, Centronics Parallel & RS-232-C Serial - 1345 970436-001
Interface, IBM COAX with Parallel & Serial - 1345 970436-002
Interface, IBM TWINAX with Parallel & Serial - 1345 970436-003
Interface, IBM Twinax IPDS with Parallel - 1345 970436-004
Interface, ETHERNET 10 Base T/2 with Serial - 1345 970436-005
Interface, Token Ring for UTP with Serial - 1345 970436-006
Interface, Token Ring for STP with Serial - 1345 970436-007
Interface, IGP 10/20/40 emulation with Par. & Ser. - 1345 970436-008
Interface, Digital ANSI emulation with Par. & Ser. - 1345 970470-001
Interface, Digital ANSI with ETHERNET & Serial - 1345 970470-002
Automatic Cut Sheet Feeder 970437-002
Automatic Envelope Feeder 970437-003
Manual Feed Platform Extension 970437-004
Printer Stand - 1345 970437-005
Ribbon, Black (16 million Draft Character Life) 970439-004
Ribbon, Color (4 million Char. Life each band) 970439-006
Print Head 970471-006
Platen Assembly - 1345 970471-007
Pick-up Rollers for Feeder 970471-009