Appendix J
IBM Proprinter Mode
Command Summary
This appendix describes the IBM Proprinter commands first in
numerical order, and then in detail. The individual command descrip-
tions are divided in the following way:
Character Width
Print Enhancement
Page Formatting
Other Codes
You should consult this section if you’re using the IBM Proprinter
mode, or the Epson section if you’re using the Epson mode. If a com-
mand functions in the same way in both modes, it is described in both
sections. If a command is available in only one mode or if it has a
different function in the other mode, the comments indicate either
Epson only or IBM only.
Each command has a format section and a comment section. The
format section gives the ASCII, decimal, and hexadecimal codes for
the command. In some cases there is also a control key code because
some commercial software programs can use a control key for a code
between 0 and 27 (decimal). In this section, CTRL O, for example,
means hold down the control key while you press o.
Letters in parentheses, such as (n) or (d), are variables, which are
explained in the comments sections.
In BASIC you can use either decimal or hexadecimal numbers, and
if there is a single letter in the second ASCII code column, you can use
that letter in quotation marks instead of the number below it. For