
EPSON Imaging Technology Center Page: 66
Revision: 1 10/6/00
6.40 EPSON packet mode exit command (special command)”0 0 0 ESC 1 @EJL 20H 1284.4
0AH @EJL 20H 20H 20H 20H 20H 0AH”
ASCII 00H 00H 00H ESC 01H @EJL 20H 1284.4 0AH @EJL 20H 20H 20H 20H 0AH
Hex 00 00 00 1B 01 40 45 4A 4C 20 31 32 38 34 2E 34 0A 40 45 4A 4C 20 20 20 20 20 0A
Dec 00 00 00 27 01 64 69 74 76 32 49 50 56 52 46 52 10 64 69 74 76 32 32 32 32 32 10
Range of Values for Parameters: ---
1) USB-I/F is controlled and is communicated to by the packet communication
protocol ( EPSON packet mode ). Because of this all the data the usual printing
data is discarded. This command cancels this packet protocol and enable the
printing in usual data transfer.
2) This command transfers it before the initial setting.
Initial State:
EPSON packet mode
Related Commands: ---