
Operator's Guide D-11
Speaking in graphic terms, the first two columns in most character sets,
such as the one shown on Page D-6, contain control codes. Below is an
alphabetical list of abbreviations used in character sets in this appendix
and in the CTRL CODE column of the data byte map.
Pages D-12 through D-15 show all possible emulation-dependent control
code maps. You select the control code map using either "Character
Options" in the configuration menu or emulation control commands.
NUL Null (No Operation)
SOHStart of Header
STX Start of Text
ETX End of Text
EOT End of Transmission
ACK Acknowledge
BEL Bell
BS Back Space
HT Horizontal Tab
LF Line Feed
VT Vertical Tab
FF Form Feed
CR Carriage Return
SO Shift Out
SI Shift In
DLE Data Link Escape
DC1 Device Control 1 (X-ON)
DC2 Device Control 2
DC3 Device Control 3 (X-OFF)
DC4 Device Control 4
NAK Negative Acknowledge
SYN Synchronous Idle
ETB End of Transmission Block
EM End of Medium
SUB Substitute
ESC Escape
FS Field Separator
GS Group Separator
RS Record Separator
US Unit Separator
IND Index
NEL Next Line
HTS Horizontal Tabulation Set
VTS Vertical Tab Set
PLD Partial Line Down
SS2 Single Shift 2
SS3 Single Shift 3
DCSDevice Control String
CSI Control Sequence Introducer
ST String Terminator
DEL Delete (Rub Out)
In the control code maps that follow, the number below the control code
abbreviations is the decimal equivalent of the hexadecimal column-row
Technically, not actually a control code.