
EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
ULP Upper-level Protocol. The protocol that runs on top of Fibre Channel.
Typical upper-level protocols are SCSI, IP, HIPPI, and IPI.
ULP_TOV Upper-level time-out value. The minimum time that a SCSI ULP
process waits for SCSI status before initiating ULP recovery.
Unicast The transmission of data from a single source to a single destination.
See also Broadcast and Multicast.
User Account A login intended for use by the customer to monitor, but not control,
switch operation.
VC Virtual circuit. A one-way path between N_Ports that allows
fractional bandwidth.
Well-Known Address As pertaining to Fibre Channel, a logical address defined by the Fibre
Channel standards as assigned to a specific function, and stored on
the switch.
Workstation A computer used to access and manage the fabric. May also be
referred to as a management station or host.
WWN World Wide Name. An identifier that is unique worldwide. Each
entity in a fabric has a separate WWN.
Zone A set of devices and hosts attached to the same fabric and configured
as being in the same zone. Devices and hosts within the same zone
have access permission to others in the zone, but are not visible to
any outside the zone.
Zone Alias A name assigned to a device or group of devices in a zone. Aliases
can greatly simplify the zone administrative process.
Zone Configuration A specified set of zones. Enabling a configuration enables all zones in
that configuration. See also Defined Zone Configuration.
Zone Member A port, node, WWN, or alias, which is part of a zone.