
EMC Connectrix DS-32B2 and ED-12000B Fabric OS Reference Manual
Control Processor Commands
Active CP Commands
When logged into the Active CP, the full suite of commands are
supported (subject to which license keys are installed).
When logged in to the Active CP, most commands are still specific to
a single logical switch. That is, they are executed on one logical
switch but not the other. If you are logged in to the Active CP through
the console port, you are prompted to specify the logical switch on
which commands are executed on. If you login to the Active CP
through the Fabric OS Telnet shell, commands always execute on the
default switch (logical switch 0).
Some commands, when executed from the Active CP, affect the entire
chassis. For example, when the
reboot command is issued on the
Active CP, the command reboots both logical switches and the Active