© 2008 directed electronics
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn ooppttiioonnss
The system has many options that may require extra parts and
labor. Some of the possibilities are listed here.
➤ Progressive unlocking: In most cars with electric power door
locks, the system can be configured so that when the system is
disarmed, only the driver’s door unlocks. A second press of the
button unlocks the other doors.
➤ Vehicle Recovery System (VRS
): VRS is an anti-carjacking
device designed to help in the safe recovery of your vehicle
in case of a carjacking. Please refer to the Vehicle Recovery
System section of this guide for a complete explanation of
how the Vehicle Recovery System operates.
VVeehhiiccllee rreeccoovveerryy ssyysstteemm ((VVRRSS
The optional VRS feature is designed to ensure that any unautho-
rized user of your vehicle (even if using your keys and remote control)
will not be able to permanently separate you from your vehicle.
The VRS cannot prevent a carjacking attempt; however, it does
ensure that if your vehicle is taken by an unauthorized user, it will
be disabled (after several progressive warnings) as safely as
possible. Should a carjacking occur, the VRS allows you to
concern yourself with your personal safety without worrying
about your property.