© 2008 directed electronics
RReeppllaacceemmeenntt rreemmoottee ccoonnttrroollss
You can purchase replacement remote controls from your
Authorized Dealer or on-line at the following web site:
Once you receive your new remote control, please refer to
instructions included on the remote packaging.
22--wwaayy LLCCDD rreemmoottee ccoonnttrrooll ffuunnccttiioonnss
The LCD remote control buttons are used to send commands to
the system. The descriptions below reflect the standard configu-
ration for this system. The buttons can be custom configured for
the user’s specific needs by the installer. Also, the user can
configure the LCD remote for certain responses (see
Programming LCD Remote section).
Standard configurations (1-way and 2-way remote
The arming function is controlled by pressing this button for
one second.
The disarming function is controlled by pressing this button for
one second.