
© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista, CA
will allow the customer to turn the key on and shut the remote start down by pressing the brake without the key
sense wire shutting down the unit prematurely.
In addition, you must connect a tan (+) shut-down input to the yellow wire on the relay satellite ribbon cable.
This prevents the remote start system from activating if the key is left in the "run" position. If your remote start
system only has one tan input, you must use diodes to isolate the ignition circuit from the brake switch input.
However, due to future manufacturer changes in vehicles, it is possible that this may not apply to all vehicles.
In addition, color variations are possible from model to model; make sure to test the circuit carefully. Please call
Directed Electronics Technical Support if you need assistance in making this interface.
Once the interface is complete, attempt to remote start the vehicle with the door
closed and the key in the ignition. The vehicle should not start. If it does, recheck the connec-
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