
© 2005 Directed Electronics, Inc. Vista, CA
pprriimmaarryy hhaarrnneessss ((HH11)) wwiirree ccoonnnneeccttiioonn gguuiiddee
This wire supplies a (-)500 mA ground as long as the system is armed. This output ceases as soon as the system
is disarmed. The orange wire may be wired to an optional Directed Electronics 8618 starter kill relay.
As shipped, this wire should be connected to the (+) parking light wire. If the light flash polarity jumper under
the sliding door is moved to the opposite position (see
Internal Programming Jumper
section of this guide), this
wire supplies a (-) 200 mA output. This is suitable for driving (-) light control wires in Toyota, Lexus, BMW, some
Mitsubishi, some Mazda, and other model cars.
((++)) PPoossiittiivvee LLiigghhtt FFllaasshh OOuuttppuutt
((--)) LLiigghhtt FFllaasshh OOuuttppuutt
For parking light circuits that draw 10 amps or more, the internal jumper must be switched
to a (-) light flash output. (See the Internal Programming Jumper section of this guide.)
or a standard automotive SPDT relay must be used on the H1/2 light flash output harness
HH11//22 WWHHIITTEE ((++//--)) sseelleeccttaabbllee lliigghhtt ffllaasshh oouuttppuutt
HH11//11 OORRAANNGGEE ((--)) ggrroouunndd--wwhheenn--aarrmmeedd oouuttppuutt