DL-00035 Rev. 4
Sub-problems in only one problem category can be reported at a time, but you will
be able to report additional problems when the current problem category is com-
plete. At that time, the monitor will ask you if there are more problems to report:
• Ifyouhavemore,answer“Yes”;youwillbereturnedtothe
“Choose a Problem to Report” screen.
• Ifyouarefinished,answer“No”;youwillbetakentothe
“Confirm Problems” screen.
At the “Confirm Problems” screen, the monitor will display all the problems you
have reported (for example, “Breathing”).
• Ifthereportedproblemsarecorrect,press“Yes,sendtheproblemstomy
clinician now” to send the report to your clinician.
to take, press “Yes, but I would like to record measurement(s)” to go
to the Take Measurements screen. All data will be sent when sending
• Ifthereportedproblemsareincorrect,press“No,Iwouldliketoreportmore
problems” to return to the “Choose a Problem to Report” screen.
If you select a problem that has already been reported, the monitor will warn you:
• Ifyoupress“Yes,”anyproblemsyoureportedinthiscategorybeforewillbe
deleted and replaced with your new answers.
• Ifyoupress“No,”themonitorwillfirstaskifyouhavemoreproblemsto
report before returning to the “Confirm Problems” screen.