DL-00035 Rev. 4
• Donotuseamonitororanyaccessorythatshowsanysignofdamage.
• Useonlyapprovedaccessorieswiththemonitor.
exposed to liquids.
no longer hear sounds when activities are due.
see the screen. If not, contact your clinician right away.
vital signs are being accurately reported to your clinician.
the monitor to avoid mistakes in your medical record.
• Discussallmedicationswithyourphysician.
- Activities do not appear or patient name is no longer on the main screen
- Data is no longer displayed (screen is not functioning)
- Data on the screen is no longer heard (speaker is not functioning)
- Data cannot be input (touch screen not functioning)
- Device does not start up or does not function
conducted by trained service personnel. Contact your clinician immediately
if the monitor needs service.
sensors should be disposed of
according to manufacturer’s instructions on packaging.