Form Fiesta
Form Fiesta is a Form and Label Generating Software that can be used to automate the label design process. It is provided to
Datamax-O’Neil partners and customers at no charge. All supported commands are implemented in Form Fiesta and are
automatically generated when an element is drawn onto the canvas on the screen. Developers can use Form Fiesta to generate
a label and then copy the commands generated in the yellow section of the screen (these are the commands which render the
image on the screen). The variable data can be acquired by the user’s application and replaced in the command string.
Example: The code below demonstrates how to implement this using a simple VB program. ‘CustomerName’ and ‘csCarModel’
are two variables which are substituted in the string.
Private Sub Command1_Click()
csTicket = Chr$(27) + "P$" + Chr$(27) + "PP" + vbCrLf + "BeginPage();" + vbCrLf
csTicket = csTicket + "SetPageSize(400,200);" + vbCrLf
csTicket = csTicket + "DrawRectangle(30,0,330,40,1,0);" + vbCrLf
csTicket = csTicket + "DrawText(80,10,0,0,""<f=6><b>Dollar Rental"");" + vbCrLf
csTicket = csTicket + "DrawText(30,60,1,0,""Customer"");" + vbCrLf
csTicket = csTicket + "DrawRectangle(140,50,330,90,1,3);" + vbCrLf
csTicket = csTicket + "DrawText(150,60,1,0,""" + CustomerName + """);" + vbCrLf
csTicket = csTicket + "DrawText(30,110,1,0,""Model"");" + vbCrLf
csTicket = csTicket + "DrawRectangle(140,100,330,140,1,3);" + vbCrLf
If Option1.Item(0) Then csCarModel = "Taurus"
If Option1.Item(1) Then csCarModel = "Cavalier"
If Option1.Item(2) Then csCarModel = "Neon"
csTicket = csTicket + "DrawText(150,110,1,0,""" + csCarModel + """);" + vbCrLf
csTicket = csTicket + "EndPage()" +vbCrLf+Chr$(27)+"P#" + vbCr+Chr$(4)+vbCrLf
Ticket.TicketText = csTicket
Ticket.Visible = True
MSComm1.CommPort = 1
MSComm1.PortOpen = True
MSComm1.Output = csTicket + vbCrLf
MSComm1.PortOpen = False
End Sub
The Form Fiesta installation program, as well as instructions for using the software, is available in the Developer’s CD.