Command Name Description
<b>, </b> Bold Text enclosed by <b> and </b> appear in bold.
<u>, </u> Underline Text enclosed by <u> and </u> are underlined.
<h = value> Text Height Text height is magnified by the given numeric value. Use <h = 1> to return to original size.
<w = value> Text Width Text width is magnified by the given numeric value. Use <w = 1> to return to original size.
<f = value> Font Sets the font. value = {0 .. 9}.
\n New Line Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next line.
\<, \>, \”, \\ Literals Use backslashes to print these special characters.
Example: The figure below shows the use of the “\n” command as well as the effect of the angle command in the text being
printed with the DrawText command
Draw Rectangle DrawRectangle (x1, y1, x2, y2,color,width);
Draws a rectangle object at any coordinate on the canvas.
DrawRectangle command draws either a hollow or a filled rectangle. (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) specify the two diagonally opposing
corners. All measurements are in dots.
x1, y1 Top left corner coordinates (x1, y1)
x2, y2 Bottom right corner coordinates (x2, y2)
color Specifies the line or fill color: 0 = white, 1 = black
The user may draw a white rectangle on a black background only by specifying color
parameter = 0.
width Specifies the line width of a hollow rectangle. A zero-width results in a filled rectangle
Draw Bar Code DrawBarcode(x,y,angle,annotate,type,height, "data");
Draws a barcode object at any coordinate on the canvas.
X Indicates location on “x” axis of the left top corner
Y indicates location on “y” axis of the left top corner
angle Values 0, 1, 2, or 3 allow the barcode to be rotated 0, 90, 180, or 270 degrees respectively
annotate Setting annotate to 1 allows human-readable text to appear. ‘0’ disables this function.
type Indicates the barcode type to be printed. The barcodes supported are listed below: