Operations Guide 930500E CyberData Corporation
Installing the VoIP V3 Indoor Intercom
Configure the SIP Parameters Delayed DTMF
On the SIP Configuration page the dial out extension supports the addition of comma delimited
pauses and sending additional DTMF tones (using rfc2833). The first comma will pause three
seconds after a call is first established with a remote device. Subsequent commas will pause for 2
seconds. A pause of one second will be sent after each numerical digit.
Extension String Resulting Action
Note The ma
ximum number of total characters in the dial-out field is 25.
Table 2-11. Examples of Dial-Out Extension Strings
302 Dial out extension 302 and establish a call
302,2 Dial out extension 302 and establish a call, wait 3 seconds then send the
DTMF tone '2'
302,25,,,4,,1 Dial out extension 302 and establish a call, wait 3 seconds then send the
DTMF tone '2', send out DTMF tone 5, wait 6 seconds, send out DTMF
tone 4, wait 4 seconds, send out DTMF tone 1