Operations Guide 930500E CyberData Corporation
Installing the VoIP V3 Indoor Intercom
Configure the SIP Parameters
2. On the SIP Configuration page, enter values for the parameters indicated in Tabl e 2-9.
Table 2-9. SIP Configuration Parameters
Web Page Item Description
Enable SIP Operation Enables or disables SIP operation.
SIP Settings
Primary SIP Server Use this field to set the address (in dotted decimal notation or
as a canonical name) for the Primary SIP Server. This field
can accept canonical names of up to 255 characters in length.
Primary SIP User ID Type the SIP User ID for the Primary SIP Server
(up to 64 alphanumeric characters).
Primary Auth ID Type the Authenticate ID for the Primary SIP Server
(up to 64 alphanumeric characters).
Primary Auth Password Type the Authenticate Password for the Primary SIP Server
(up to 64 alphanumeric characters).
Backup SIP Server 1
Backup SIP Server 2
• If all of the Primary SIP Server and Backup SIP Server
fields are populated, the device will attempt to stay registered
with all three servers all of the time. You can leave the
Backup SIP Server 1 and Backup SIP Server 2 fields blank
if they are not needed.
• In the event of a registration failure on the Primary SIP
Server, the device will use the next highest priority server for
outbound calls (Backup SIP Server 1). If Backup SIP
Server 1 fails, the device will use Backup SIP Server 2.
• If a higher priority SIP Server comes back online, the device
will switch back to this server.
Backup SIP User ID 1
Backup SIP User ID 2
Type the SIP User ID for the Backup SIP Server
(up to 64 alphanumeric characters).
Backup SIP Auth ID 1
Backup SIP Auth ID 2
Type the SIP Authenticate ID for the Backup SIP Server
(up to 64 alphanumeric characters).
Backup SIP Auth Password 1
Backup SIP Auth Password 2
Type the SIP Authenticate Password for the Backup SIP
Server (up to 64 alphanumeric characters).
Use Cisco SRST When selected, the backup servers are handled according to
Cisco SRST (Survivable Remote Site Telephony).
Remote SIP Port Type the Remote SIP Port number (default 5060)
(8 character limit).
Local SIP Port* Type the Local SIP Port number (default 5060)
(8 character limit).
Outbound Proxy Type the Outbound Proxy as either a numeric IP address in
dotted decimal notation or the fully qualified host name
(255 character limit [FQDN]).
Outbound Proxy Port Type the Outbound Proxy Port number (8 character limit).
Register with a SIP Server Check this box to enable SIP Registration.
For information about Point-to-Point Configuration, see
Section, "Point-to-Point Configuration".
Re-registration Interval (in seconds) Type the SIP Registration lease time (in seconds)