
B. How to access DVR from Remote PC?
LAN Connection – Using a switching hub
Connect to the system, using a hub (Switching hub) and an Ethernet cable (10BASE-T/100BASE-TX CAT 5
LAN cable)
1. Run the pre-install the network client software on the supplied CD. (Refer to Chapter 6. Network
access using the Exclusive network viewer)
2. Check the IP address from SETUP>SYSTEM>DESCRIPTION of DVR.
3. Run network client software and click CONNECT button.
4. Input IP address, Port No., and Password on the connect window. And click OK.
You can learn how to port forward many kinds of Routers from the bellow site.
Web viewer and Mobile-phone web viewer Network access beyond Router
In order to access beyond Router (Firewall), user must open 1 TCP port that is set on NETWORK > WEB
PORT. If this port is not open properly, user can not access DVR using direct Web viewer or Mobile-phone
web viewer. (Example: When NETWORK > WEB PORT is set as 80, 80 TCP port of IP address of DVR
must be open.)