
10. Network – By Mobile phone viewer
User can access the remote DVR over mobile phone (i-Phone). User doesn’t need to install specific
exclusive viewer or specific codec on the mobile devices. User can monitor video in jpeg format on the
1. Enter the IP address on the URL address window of web browser on mobile phone as below.
http://{ip address | domain name}/mview
2. THE INITIAL SCREEN / CHANNEL SELECTION: When the user enters the IP address or domain
name / user will find the initial screen to select channel as following.
3. Select the channel you want to watch.
Web viewer and Mobile-phone web viewer Network access beyond Router
In order to access beyond Router (Firewall), user must open 1 TCP port that is set on NETWORK
> WEB PORT. If this port is not open properly, user can not access DVR using direct Web viewer
or Mobile-phone web viewer. (Example: When NETWORK > WEB PORT is set as 80, 80 TCP port
of IP address of DVR must be open.)