Catalyst 4500 E-Series Switches Installation Guide
Chapter 3 Installing the Switch in a Rack
System Ground Connection Guidelines
Note If you move a supervisor engine from a Catalyst 4500 series chassis to a Catalyst 4503-E chassis or
Catalyst 4506-E chassis, it must use Cisco IOS Release 12.2(37)SG or later. Refer to the release note for
software upgrade procedures if needed:
At this point you should use the RJ-45-to-RJ-45 rollover cable to connect the console port to a PC that
runs terminal emulation software. Configure your terminal emulation program for 9600 baud, 8 data bits,
no parity, no flow control, and 1 stop bit. With this console connection, you can configure the switch as
described in
Appendix C, “Initial Configuration for the Switch,” and then as discussed in the software
configuration guide appropriate for your switch’s software release, and monitor the software as the
switch goes through its startup routine. The pinout for the console port is detailed in the module
installation guide at: