Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 14 Configuring Auto Smartports Macros
Configuring Auto Smartports
This example shows how to create a MAC-address-group event trigger called address_trigger and how
to verify your entries:
Switch# configure terminal
Switch(config)# macro auto addres
s-group mac address_trigger
Switch(config-addr-grp-mac)# mac-
address list 2222.3333.3334 22.33.44 a.b.c
Switch(config-addr-grp-mac)# oui
list 455555 233244
Switch(config-addr-grp-mac)# oui
range 333333 size 2
Switch(config-addr-grp-mac)# exit
Switch(config)# mac auto execute
address-trigger builtin macro
Switch(config)# exit
Switch(config)# end
Switch(config)# macro auto execut
e mac-address-trigger builtin CISCO_PHONE_ATUO_SMARTPORT
Switch(config)# end
Switch# s
how running configuration | include macro
macro auto mac-address-group address_trigger
mac auto mad-address-group hel
mac auto execute mad-address-trigger builtin CISCO_PHONE_AUTO_SMARTPORT
macro description CISCO_DMP_EVENT
mac description CISCO_SWITCH_EVENT
<output truncated>
Configuring Auto Smartports Macro Persistent
When you enable Auto Smartports on the switch, the default is that the macro configuration is applied
at a link-up event and removed at a link-down event. When you enable the macro persistent feature, the
configuration is applied at link-up and is not removed at link-down. The applied configuration remains,
regardless of link-up or link-down events on the switch. The macro persistent feature remains configured
through a reboot if the running configuration file is saved.
Follow this procedure to enable Auto Smartports macros to remain active on the switch after a link-down
vent. This procedure is optional.
Beginning in privileged EXEC mode:
To disable the Auto Smartports macro pe
rsistent feature, use the no macro auto sticky global
configuration command.
This example shows how to enable the Auto Smartports auto-sticky feature on the switch:
Switch(config)# macro auto sticky
Command Purpose
Step 1
configure terminal Enter global configuration mode.
Step 2
macro auto sticky Enable Auto Smartport macro configurations to remain on the interface
on a link-down event.
Step 3
end Return to privileged EXEC mode.
Step 4
show macro auto Verify your entries.
Step 5
copy running-config startup-config (Optional) Save your entries in the configuration file.