Catalyst 3750-X and 3560-X Switch Software Configuration Guide
Chapter 42 Configuring IP Unicast Routing
Configuring ISO CLNS Routing
You can also enable the logging of messages generated when a BGP neighbor resets, comes up, or goes
down by using the bgp log-neighbor changes router configuration command.
Configuring ISO CLNS Routing
The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Connectionless Network Service (CLNS)
protocol is a standard for the network layer of the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model. Addresses
in the ISO network architecture are referred to as network service access point (NSAP) addresses and
network entity titles (NETs). Each node in an OSI network has one or more NETs. In addition, each node
has many NSAP addresses.
When you enable connectionless routing on the switch by using the clns r
outing global configuration
command, the switch makes only forwarding decisions, with no routing-related functionality. For
dynamic routing, you must also enable a routing protocol. The switch supports the Intermediate
System-to-Intermediate System (IS-IS) dynamic routing protocol that is based on the OSI routing
protocol for ISO CLNS networks.
show ip bgp pr
efix Display peer groups and peers not in peer groups to which the
prefix has been advertised. Also display prefix attributes such as
the next hop and the local prefix.
show ip bgp cidr-only Display all BGP routes that contai
n subnet and supernet network
show ip bgp community [com
munity-number] [exact] Display routes that belong to the specified communities.
show ip bgp community-list commun
Display routes that are permitted by the community list.
show ip bgp filter-list acces
s-list-number Display routes that are matched by the specified AS path access
show ip bgp inconsistent-as Display the routes with inconsistent originating autonomous
show ip bgp regexp r
egular-expression Display the routes that have an AS path that matches the specified
regular expression entered on the command line.
show ip bgp Display the contents of the BGP routing table.
show ip bgp neighbors [ad
dress] Display detailed information on the BGP and TCP connections to
individual neighbors.
show ip bgp neighbors [ad
dress] [advertised-routes |
dampened-routes | flap-statistics | paths
regular-expression | received-routes | routes]
Display routes learned from a particular BGP neighbor.
show ip bgp paths Display all BGP paths in the database.
show ip bgp peer-group [ta
g] [summary] Display information about BGP peer groups.
show ip bgp summary Display the status of all BGP connections.
Table 42-11 IP BGP Clear and Show Commands (continued)
Command Purpose