VLAN Commands
switchport forbidden vlan
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide 499
switchport forbidden vlan
The switchport forbidden vlan Interface Configuration mode command forbids
adding specific VLANs to a port. Use the remove parameter for this command to
restore the default configuration.
switchport forbidden vlan {add
| remove
vlan-list —
Specifies the list of VLAN IDs to be added. Separate
nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no spaces. A hyphen
designates a range of IDs.
• remove
vlan-list —
Specifies the list of VLAN IDs to be removed. Separate
nonconsecutive VLAN IDs with a comma and no spaces. A hyphen
designates a range of IDs.
Default Configuration
All VLANs are allowed.
Command Mode
Interface Configuration (Ethernet, port-channel) mode
User Guidelines
This command can be used to prevent GVRP from automatically making the
specified VLANs active on the selected ports.