QoS Commands
qos aggregate-policer
SPS208G/SPS224G4/SPS2024 Command Line Interface Reference Guide 282
— Specifies the name of the aggregate policer.
— Specifies the average traffic rate (CIR) in bits per
second (bps).
— Specifies the normal burst size (CBS) in bytes.
• drop — Indicates that when the rate is exceeded, the packet is dropped.
• policed-dscp-transmit — Indicates that when the rate is exceeded, the
DSCP of the packet is remarked.
— Specifies the value that the DSCP is remarked. If unspecified, the
DSCP is remarked according to the policed-DSCP map as configured by
the qos map policed-dscp Global Configuration mode command.
Parameters Range
committed-rate-kbps — 3-57982058
committed -burst-byte — 3000-19173960
Default Configuration
No aggregate policer is defined.
Command Mode
Global Configuration mode
User Guidelines
Policers that contain set or trust Policy-map Class Configuration commands or that
have ACL classifications cannot be attached to an output interface.
Define an aggregate policer if the policer is shared with multiple classes.
Policers in one port cannot be shared with other policers in another device; traffic
from two different ports can be aggregated for policing purposes.