Linksys SPA9000 Administrator Guide
Document Version 3.01
Chapter 6 SPA9000 Field Reference
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Contact List List of client stations that the SPA9000 should alert when there is an incoming call to the
line interface from the ITSP. Each rule is also known as a hunt group and the did is the
group’s extension.
The default method to ring a group is to ring all the members simultaneously, unless a
hunt rule is specified. The format is rule[|rule[|rule[...]]] where:
• rule = [did:]ext[,ext[,ext[…]]][,name=gname][,hunt=hrule][,cfwd=target]
• did = Embedded DID number. If did is not specified, the rule applies to any DID
• ext = Client extension number pattern; may contain * or ? wildcard or %xx escaped
• If an hrule is specified, the listed stations shall be contacted sequentially (known as
hunting); otherwise all the listed stations ring simultaneously. A hrule has the
following format: hrule=algo;interval;max, where
algo determines the order to ring the stations. It can be one of the following:
• restart or re—Always start from beginning of the list,
• next or ne—Start from the next on the list to the last station that rings,
• random or ra—Order is randomized for each call
interval is the time to ring each station in seconds
max is the total time in seconds to hunt before rejecting the call or forwarding it
to voice mail. If max is less than interval, it is interpreted as the number of cycles
to go through the hunt group before hunting stops. If max is 0, hunting goes on
indefinitely until the caller hangs up or some one answers the call
The list is recycled until the total hunt time or number of cycles is reached, whichever
comes first. For example: hunt=next;12;1, where:
• target—A user-id to forward the caller if no one replies or the client stations has rung
for a delay equal to the value specified in <Cfwd No Ans Delay>. If target starts with
vm, such as vm23456, the call is forwarded to voicemail with the mailbox ID equal
to the rest of the digits (note that the first digit indicates the line interface to use to
access this mailbox). If ,cfwd=… does not present, the call fails without being
forwarded and <Cfwd No Ans Delay> does not apply.
• gname—A name to associate with the hunt group. It can be a token such as Sales or
a quoted string, such as The Sales Team.
Note that each member of a rule can be the extension of a group defined in <Hunt Group>.
• 530?,hunt=ra;10;1,cfwd=vm5404
• 5300, cfwd=vm5300