Linksys SPA9000 Administrator Guide
Document Version 3.01
Chapter 6 SPA9000 Field Reference
Internal Music Source Parameters
Field Description
Internal Music URL URL from which to download a music file to be used by the parking lot. The format is:
TFTP is the only protocol supported for music download. Default port is 69. Changing
the value of this parameter from the web interface triggers a graceful reboot of the
SPA9000. If a valid entry is specified, the SPA9000 attempts to download the file on
bootup and store the samples in flash memory. The SPA9000 remembers the link where
the stored file is downloaded and does not try to download again on the next reboot.
The music samples are encoded in G711u format at 8000 samples/second. The file should
not contain any extra header information. Maximum length of the file is 65.536 seconds
(524288 bytes).
Internal Music Script Script that tells the SPA9000 how to play the downloaded music file, in the format
[section[,section[,…]]], where:
• section = [[n](start/end[/pause])][pause2]
• n = number of times to repeat the section before moving to the next section. Default
is 1.
• start/end = starting and 1+ending sample for this section; note that samples are
numbered from 0 to total-length – 1. You may enter –1 or a very large number if the
end of the file is intended as the ending sample. Default start is 0, and default end is
end of the file.
• pause = number of samples to pause after the ending sample is played. Default is 0.
• pause2 = additional number of samples to pause after the entire n repetitions of the
section are played. Default is 0.
A maximum of 16 sections can be specified. Samples should be encoded in G711u format
at 8000 samples/second. When all sections are played, the SPA9000 replays from the first
section again.
• 40000 (plays the entire file, pauses for 5s, then repeats)
• 2(0/32000),3(32000/100000/4000)2000,(100000/-1)80000
Internal Music Refresh Intvl Specifies the interval in seconds between refreshing an internal music session.
The default is is 0, which disables session refreshes.
Internal Music LBR Codec Selects one low bit-rate codec as an alternative to G711u and G711a for playing internal
music. Choices are {none, G729a, G726-16, G726-24, G726-32, G726-40}.
The default is is none.
Internal Music Preferred Codec Selects which codec is the preferred choice to play internal music. Choices are {G711u,
G711a, Low Bit Rate}. Low Bit Rate refers to the selected <Internal Music LBR Codec>.
If <Internal Music LBR Codec> is none, G711u is the preferred codec also.
The default is is G711u.