• The keyword all (The CLI defaults to “all” if you enter just “show card”).
2. Update the switch card firmware. Enter the install command:
NOTE: Only cards with an oper-status of “up” are updated. If a card is down when you run install,
or a card is added after running install, bring up the card and run install again. Specify the same
image file. If the image is already installed on a card, that card is skipped. Run boot-config again so
that all cards know to boot off the same system image.
Topspin-360# show card 5,9,14,16
Card Information
admin oper admin oper oper
slot type type status status code
5 en4port1G en4port1G up up normal
9 fc2port2G fc2port2G up up normal
14 controller controller up up normal
16 ib12port4x ib12port4x up up normal
Card Boot Information
boot boot boot
slot stage status image
5 done success TopspinOS-1.1.2/build084
9 done success TopspinOS-1.1.2/build084
14 done success TopspinOS-1.1.2/build084
16 done success TopspinOS-1.1.2/build084
Card Seeprom
product pca pca fru
slot serial-number serial-number number number
5 00024 1234 95-00007-01 1234
9 1234 1234 95-00008-01 1234
14 00002 00002 95-00005-01 1234
16 1234 1234 95-00006-01 1234
Topspin-360# install image:Topspin-360-TopspinOS-2.0.0-build497.img
************************** operation completed successfully