3. View the software version on individual cards in the chassis:
a. Double-click on any card in the main GUI.
b. Click the Inventory tab. The properties window appears for that card.
Figure 3-14: View Current Image of an Individual Card
c. View the Current Image Source field. If you find a card that has a different image than the
others, you can update a single card by re-installing the image on the chassis, but rebooting
only the card that needs to be updated.
Upgrade the Software Image with the CLI
1. Copy the image to the chassis controller. To upgrade the version of software image for the switch,
you need to copy the image to the switch. This can be done through the CLI using FTP and this
copy command syntax:
copy ftp://<remote-login>:<remote-passwd>@<remote-system>/<filename>.img [<slot-number
of the controller>:]image:<filename>.img
2. Activate the image. After downloading the image file to the chassis controller, it must be installed
to become active. The install command installs the specified image file into the system.
a. In the privileged-execute mode, enter install image:image-file-name.img
• Image files must have been copied into the image file-system
• The file name must have the .img extension
• All cards must have an oper-status of “Up”
Topspin-360# copy
Topspin-360# install image:Topspin-360-TopspinOS-2.1.0-build497.img
*****************operation completed successfully