Chapter 4 Configuring the CSS as a Client of a TACACS+ Server
Showing TACACS+ Server Configuration Information
Cisco Content Services Switch Security Configuration Guide
Showing TACACS+ Server Configuration Information
Use the show tacacs-server command to display the TACACS+ server
configuration information. To view this information, enter:
(config)# show tacacs-server
Table 4-2 describes the fields in the show tacacs-server command output.
Table 4-2 Field Descriptions for the show tacacs-server
Field Description
IP/Port The TACACS+ server IP address and port number
State The operational state of the server (Alive, Dying, or Dead)
determined by the internal TCP Keepalive
Primary Indicates whether this record is the primary TACACS+
Authen The number of authentication requests made to the
TACACS+ server
Author The number of authorization requests made to the TACACS+
Account The number of accounting requests made to the TACACS+
Key The shared secret configured for the TACACS+ server
Server Timeout The timeout period that the CSS waits for a response from
the TACACS+ server
The keepalive frequency in seconds for the TACACS+ server
Global Timeout The global timeout period that the CSS waits for a response
from the TACACS+ servers
Global KAL
The global keepalive frequency in seconds for the
TACACS+ servers
Global Key The global shared secret, used by all TACACS+ servers,
unless individually configured for the server