
Chapter 1 Controlling CSS Access
Configuring Network Qualifier Lists for ACLs
Cisco Content Services Switch Security Configuration Guide
Creating an NQL
Enter the name of the new NQL you want to create or an existing NQL. Enter the
name as an unquoted text string with no spaces and a maximum of 31 characters.
You can create a maximum of 512 NQLs per CSS.
For example, enter:
(config)# nql bypass_nql
To display a list of existing NQLs, use the nql ? command. If no NQLs currently
exist, the CSS prompts you to enter a new name.
To remove an existing NQL, use the no nql command. For example, enter:
(config)# no nql bypass_nql
Describing an NQL
To provide a description for an NQL, use the description command in NQL
mode. Enter the NQL description as a quoted text string with a maximum length
63 characters.
For example, enter:
(config-nql[bypass_nql])# description “Bypass services”
Adding Networks to an NQL
To add a maximum of 512 networks or services to an NQL, use the ip address
command. Enter an IP address with either a subnet prefix or a subnet mask. You
may also add an optional description for the IP address and turn on logging.
The syntax and options are:
ip address ip_address[/subnet_prefix| subnet_mask] {description}{log}