Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Appendix C Error and Event Messages
Mini IOS Messages
Error Message WLCCP-NM-6-WNM_LINK_UP: Link to WNM is up
The network manager is now responding to keep-active messages.
Recommended Action None.
Error Message WLCCP-NM-6-RESET: Resetting WLCCP-NM
A change in the network manager IP address or a temporary out-of-resource state might
have caused a reset on the WDS network manager subsystem, but operation will return to normal
Recommended Action None.
Error Message WLCCP-WDS-3-RECOVER: “%s
WDS graceful recovery errors.
Recommended Action None.
Mini IOS Messages
Error Message MTS-2-PROTECT_PORT_FAILURE: An attempt to protect port [number] failed
Initialization failed on attempting to protect port.
Recommended Action None.
Error Message MTS-2-SET_PW_FAILURE: Error %d enabling secret password.
Initialization failed when the user attempted to enable a secret password.
Recommended Action None.
Error Message Saving this config to nvram may corrupt any network management or
security files stored at the end of nvram. Continue? [no]:
This warning message displays on the access point CLI interface while saving
configuration changes through the CLI. This is due to insufficient space in flash memory. When a
radio crashes, .rcore files are created. These files indicate a firmware or a hardware problem in the
radio, although a hardware problem is less likely.
Recommended Action This warning message can be prohibited by removing the rcore files generated
in flash memory. The rcore files have a .rcore extension. The files can be deleted because they
simply show that the radio went down at some point. The .rcore files can be listed on the CLI session
and appear similar to this: