Cisco IOS Software Configuration Guide for Cisco Aironet Access Points
Optimized Voice Settings 15-14
16 Configuring Filters 16-1
Understanding Filters 16-2
Configuring Filters Using the CLI 16-2
Configuring Filters Using the Web-Browser Interface 16-3
Configuring and Enabling MAC Address Filters 16-3
Creating a MAC Address Filter 16-4
Using MAC Address ACLs to Block or Allow Client Association to the Access Point 16-6
Configuring MAC Address Authentication 16-8
Determining the source of MAC Authentication 16-9
Configuring the SSID for MAC Authentication 16-11
Creating a Time-Based ACL 16-12
ACL Logging 16-13
Configuring and Enabling IP Filters 16-13
Creating an IP Filter 16-14
Configuring and Enabling EtherType Filters 16-15
Creating an EtherType Filter 16-16
17 Configuring CDP 17-1
Understanding CDP 17-2
Configuring CDP 17-2
Default CDP Configuration 17-2
Configuring the CDP Characteristics 17-2
Disabling and Enabling CDP 17-3
Disabling and Enabling CDP on an Interface 17-4
Monitoring and Maintaining CDP 17-5
Enabling CDP Logging 17-7
18 Configuring SNMP 18-1
Understanding SNMP 18-2
SNMP Versions 18-2
SNMP Manager Functions 18-3
SNMP Agent Functions 18-4
SNMP Community Strings 18-4
Using SNMP to Access MIB Variables 18-4
Configuring SNMP 18-5
Default SNMP Configuration 18-5