Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Chapter 2 Setting Up the ISC Services
Creating and Modifying Pseudowire Classes for IOS XR Devices
Step 2 Click Create.
The Create a Named Physical Circuit window appears.
Step 3 Click Add Ring.
The Select NPC Ring window appears.
Step 4 Choose a ring and click Select. The ring appears.
Step 5 Click the Select device link to select the beginning of the ring.
A window appears showing a list of devices.
Step 6 Choose the device that is the beginning of the ring and click Select.
Step 7 Click the Select device link to choose the end of the ring.
Step 8 Choose the device that is the end of the ring and click Select.
Note The device that is the end of the ring in a ring-only NPC must be an N-PE.
Step 9 The Create a Named Physical Circuit window appears showing the Ring-Only NPC.
Step 10 Click Save to save the NPC to the repository.
Terminating an Access Ring on Two N-PEs
ISC supports device-level redundancy in the service topology to provide a failover in case one access
link should drop. This is accomplished through a special use of an NPC ring that allows an access link
to terminate at two different N-PE devices. The N-PEs in the ring are connected by a logical link using
loopback interfaces on the N-PEs. The redundant link starts from a U-PE device and may, optionally,
include PE-AGG devices.
For details on how to implement this in ISC, see Appendix D, “Terminating an Access Ring on Two
Creating NPC Links Through the Autodiscovery Process
With autodiscovery, the existing connectivity of network devices can be automatically retrieved and
stored in the ISC database. NPCs are further abstracted from the discovered connectivity.
For detailed steps to create NPCs using autodiscovery, see the Cisco IP Solution Center Infrastructure
Reference, 6.0.
Creating and Modifying Pseudowire Classes for IOS XR Devices
The pseudowire class feature provides you with the capability to configure various attributes associated
with a pseudowire that is deployed as part of an L2VPN service request on IOS XR-capable devices.