Cisco IP Solution Center L2VPN and Carrier Ethernet User Guide, 6.0
Getting Started
This chapter provides a road map to help you get started using the L2VPN component in ISC 6.0. It
contains the following sections:
• Overview, page 1-1
• Installing ISC and Configuring the Network, page 1-1
• Configuring the Network to Support Layer 2 Services, page 1-2
• Setting Up Basic ISC Services, page 1-2
• Working with L2VPN and VPLS Policies and Service Requests, page 1-4
• A Note on Terminology Conventions, page 1-4
Before you can use the L2VPN component to provision Layer 2 services (L2VPN or VPLS), you must
complete several installation and configuration steps, as outlined in this chapter. In addition, you should
be familiar with basic concepts for ISC and L2VPN (or VPLS) services. The following sections provide
a summary of the key tasks you must accomplish to be able to provision L2VPN or VPLS services using
ISC. You can use the information in this chapter as a checklist. Where appropriate, references to other
sections in this guide or to other guides in the ISC documentation set are provided. See the referenced
documentation for more detailed information. After the basic installation and configuration steps are
completed for both ISC and the L2VPN component, see the subsequent chapters of this guide to create
and provision L2VPN or VPLS services.
Installing ISC and Configuring the Network
Before you can use the L2VPN module in ISC to provision L2VPN or VPLS services, you must first
install ISC and do the basic network configuration required to support ISC. Details on these steps are
provided in the
Cisco IP Solution Center Installation Guide, 6.0. See that guide for information about
ISC installation and general network configuration requirements.
Note To use the L2VPN component within ISC, you must purchase and activate the L2VPN license.